The history relic of Saint Paraskeva
Saint Paraskeva is born in Epivata on the shore of the Marmara Sea, in the first half of the 11th century. Although her earthly life was only 27 years, her ascetical work and the quest for spiritual fulfilment, granted to her the grace of God. She entered the monastic rule in a monastery in Constantinople, vesting her soul with the virtues of prayer, fasting and charity. She stayed for five years at the Monastery of the Holy Virgin in Pontic Heraklea, and then she went to the Holy Land, in order to pray and to follow the steps of the Saviour. Receiving commandment from God, she went back in her native country, where she passed away to eternal life.
Her holy relics were discovered in a miraculous way and they were placed to veneration in the „Holy Apostles” Church in Epivata, and believers from everywhere went there to drink from the source of healings and spiritual help.
Around 1238, her holy relics were brought to Tarnovo by the Tsar of Wallachians and Bulgarians, Ioan Asan the Second (1218-1241). After 120 years they were brought to Belgrade and in 1520 to Constantinople. The Prince Vasile Lupu of Moldavia (1634-1653), great benefactor and helper of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, received as a blessing and gratitude the coffin with the relics of Saint Paraskeva, brought to Iasi in 1641 and placed with great veneration in his new Church, “Three Hierarchs”. After a fire at the end of the year 1888, when the holy relics were untouched by the flames, they were moved in the new Metropolitan Cathedral, consecrated few years before.